Thing 13 - Reflective Practice Online Networker

Thing 13 -  Reflective Practice Online Networker
This was one of the badges I wasn’t really looking forward to doing, but I thought I will give it a try.  I have surprised myself and quite enjoyed it.
Through completing Thing 10 I have been able to Network with other Librarians through Tweetchats with #uklibchat and I also took part the #Rudai23chat.  I enjoyed being part of both and meeting other Librarians from similar Libraries and also meeting other participants on the Rudai23 course.
I have joined various Library Associations through Facebook and organised my homepage to make it easier to negotiate. I prefer to use Twitter but I can see the benefit of being able write longer posts on Facebook.
For Thing 11 I joined Linkedin, I need to take more time and to enter more information and familiarize myself with the site. As with all these social media platforms take time to get familiar with and you tend to use what you feel comfortable using.
This was the Thing I struggled with and couldn’t see the benefit of branding myself.  The more I thought about it over a few weeks then it became clearer through branding ourselves as Librarians then it would help promote the branding of the profession and in turn show the value of the Librarian.
Thing 12 I had only access to Doodle due to the I.T. restrictions at work. We have used Doodle before help organise a date and time for meetings.  We found it easy to use with the benefit of not having to email everyone individually. Hopefully I can look at the other tools at another stage.
Online Networking is more valuable than I first thought and it is good to look at various tools which can be used.  I hope to continue with Online Networking in the future and it keeps you up to date with what other Librarians and Libraries are doing and we can learn from each other.

Rudaí23 Visual Communicator


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